I'm using a laptop to review your site.
On initial load the facebook/twitter/RSS icons overlap your navbar.
Usual blue-ish color theme used, nice layout easy on the eye.
Nice to see the use of a notice to explain what your site is and does.
Title is OFFWALK Off Topic forum.
Your notice has the word 'Offtopic' all one word in it also at the bottom of your forum. The About OW link now shows two different images which leads to confusion, further into your thread you start using OffWaLK and then change throughout to offwalk, upper and lower case letters, you need to stick to one only.
Imagery BR used is an Anim? character which seems totally out of place.
Forumhome contains a forum title called 'Global Forum' that seems out of place, underneath this you then list 'Cafe` Offwalk!' if this is supposed to french orientated use of the word cafe then use it correctly 'Caf?'.
Contact Us leads to a 'You must accept the Forum Rules below' , after inspecting these you list[*] For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately! The only use of the asterisk is actually in that sentence.
After clicking accept which is hard to submit because of said Anim? character it then takes you to the registration page, I'm trying to contact you not register.
I think navtab 'Advt' needs to be the word 'Advertise' and what is navtab OW Q-L? the popup menu displayed is inconsistent again with the use of the word offwalk with multiple lower and upper case letters.
Check this posts signature:
http://www.offwalk.com/threads/5011-...7379#post47379 nearly 10 months and no one has spotted this being a mess?
Hope you do well