Originally Posted by mIQe
Well I guess you and I read different things in to the term support. I read it as this: If a product is supported the customers can come with what ever problems they have with the product and get the help they need to fix the problem. It doesn't matter if it is free or not. What matters is that it is supported or not.
This product is supposed to be supported.
If it does mean what you say that it is just patches and such, then an other word then supported should be used. Such as In Active Development or some thing along those lines. Using supported is misleading in that case.
The difference we have is my expectations for support differ vastly if I'm paying for it as opposed to getting it for free from someone who likely has a full time job and does this for fun in whatever spare time he or she has. At work the servers are on a 4 hour turn around, and I'd be pissed if I didn't get service within that 4 hour window without a damn good reason, but my company pays a premium for that service. Here where I pay nothing for the service my expectations are much lower.
As for the award automation, it does not work, at all. I've tested with a 1 day membership award and it isn't awarded either. If it is some setting I've not done right or not, I have no idea as the documentation on how to use the product is not 100% on how to set it up. Nor have I gotten support here to sort it out.
Personally we don't use it on our site, so I'm limited in what I can do since I've never played around with it.
As for rewarding automated awards retroactively, if it was a button you could click to start a process to check each member's amount of days as a member once, then it wouldn't be a huge amount of queries that runs all the time. Plus those that wouldn't like to use that function could choose not to. But since it's not working at all this is all just wishful thinking.
Why have a button, retroactive awards only need to be applied once, and its easy enough to craft an SQL query that will give the award to those that should have it, then there's no extra messy bits lying around your install.