Originally Posted by Potleg
im using vb 4.1.0 i installed gxbox live and also have it working using the hacks that was listed in the comments, its not showing the stats so it maybe soemthing to do with profile field which gamertag is field5 or because thiers a space in my gt heres what im getting atm: http://www.potleg.co.uk/forum/gxboxlive.php
any help cheers
field5 was an example just make sure your not using that field for anything else...
Also check make sure the gXboxLive Info Update is checked!
Scheduled Tasks -
Scheduled Task Manager -
gXboxLive Info Update
This task automatically updates the gXboxLive Leaderboard.
You can even force it to check but make sure your xbox user name is correctly spelled...
Check your Xbox account online make sure you allow your stats to be shown.. A recent update for some had blocked some information from being shown...
Also too if your Xbox user name is set to child not adult that could be why... If that is it your going to have to submit something to Microsoft to get the parental stuff removed otherwise your stats will not show publicly...