Originally posted by drazq
Just now I posted a new post in one of my open forums, and it didn't show up in 2002 - March - Week 3 or Week 4. It should be there right ..
- draz Q.
Without an indexer I'm unsure where you're looking for that information. The directory structure created in that version doesn't have week numbers!?
The indexer isn't yet in the hack, which is why it's status is only as a Beta.
At the moment it will produce the files on the docroot for each and every post... but there are no index.htm files tying them all together.
In response to pigsy, this means that the few people who have installed would not be seeing gains yet, as no spider would be able to crawl a non-indexed directory structure.
The indexer is work for me next week.
Latter part of next week is improvements to the templates to optimise them for search engines.
Again... unless you're are a developer, there's no point in you're having this script yet... when it's finished it will be in the normal Full Releases forum and then I shall support it fully. At the moment it is a development Beta, to find bugs on various platforms, and take suggestions for improvements prior to it's completion.
I have never finished a piece of code construction without a Beta review stage, and just because this is a hack it doesn't mean I'm going to lower my coding standards for the testing and release process.
When it's finished, then go ahead and install and criticise
David K