goddamn, why u guys making fun of us kids. What'd we ever do to u? Just cause we start off young doesn't mean u have to pick on us. Besides about the money, why should you care how we get the money, as long as we have the VB and payed for it it's none of ur business. Sorry . . just got really pissed off there.
Btw: GREAT HACK!! Works like a charm, just one thing tho. In donate.php
// Configuration
$pointfield = "field14"; // The field in which the the point data is stored.
$pointname = "Gil"; // What ever you call the points on your forum
$error = "<b>Message:</b> Welcome Generous Member"; // This is the introduction when people old the posts page
This part, what in gods name does This is the introduction when people old the posts page mean? I can't even guess what that means.