Originally Posted by mIQe
Thanks for replying. Are you sure about it not being retroactive?
I surely have to check the registration date for a member not how long the award has been active.
Because if it isn't, then this mod stinks even more then their support does.
Pretty sure, because it would make the code and the queries more complex if it was applying awards retroactively. I'm guessing that the automation is run through a cron job which runs every X period of time. If you want it to run retroactively then you're running an extra query for every single user in the database for every single award that is being automatically awarded. The overhead for that would not be something I'd want on my site.
As for complaining about the support, you do realize that whatever support you're getting, and I believe that just means patches and stuff, you aren't paying a cent for, so complaining that you aren't getting enough for free is . . . uncalled for at best.