Originally posted by drazq
I just installed the hack - and it works ...
however, there seems to be a bug in it .. Not all messages are shown. Eg. in a week with 10 messages, maybe 6-7 are shown in the archive ..
any clues to why I have this problem?
- draz Q.
Not really, it's hard to determine the reason why not all of the posts were generated... the following spring to mind:
The 7 day date range is too specific, and you calculation of 10 in a week is based upon a more broad range.
Some posts may be in hidden forums, that only administrators and mods could see.
I would really need to have a dump of your database and re-create the problem here to be able to debug thoroughly.
I have tested on a forum of 49,767 posts, and simply right click the archive folder, and the file count matched perfectly. That said, I do not have hidden forums... but the queries are based upon guest access so these should be excluded from any caching.
For a proof of concept, extend the days younger range to several thousand, this should act as a catch-all and generate for all posts ever (it takes a while!, make a cup of tea)... this way you can verify against the not-logged in users post count on the forum home page.
David K