Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR
I am using it with 4.1.10 no issues... I run my own dedicated Server Box 2 Quad Core Xeon with 28GB Ram running it with Windows 2008 64 bit server hosting with XAMPP/Apache Friends just downloaded a windows version of XCache works fine... It did speed the load times up about 5% on the CMS home front and about 3% for the forums... Not sure how to tweak it using default settings or suggested settings...
Not sure which "default settings or suggested settings" your referring to, but here's basics of how to tweak xcache.
Actually there isn't really much to it.
Have a read here at what the different options affect:
It would be useful for you to have xcache admin. It will tell you your cache sizes (php cache = xcache.size, var cache = xcache.var_size) in megabytes, and will tell you how many slots are available for each (php slots = xcache.slots, var slots = xcache.var_slots).
To see if you need to increase, or could get away with decreasing, those numbers, check how much memory is being used as well as how many slots are being used, then tweak accordingly.
If you are using all memory, you would increase memory.
If you are using all slots, increase the slots.
You want to leave extra room for the cache to grow, but keep in mind any memory you give to xcache takes away from memory available to the rest of the server, so it is up to you...