Has common courtesy gone extinct?
I don't know what other section of vb.org this can be posted in, so I'm posting it here. Moderators please move it to a more appropriate section if necessary.
A few days ago I responded to someone in the Requests for Paid Services forum. After a couple PM exchanges I was told by the prospective client, "That sounds great. Let me know what information you need to get started." So I PM'd him back with the info I needed. This all took place in about 6 1/2 hours. While I waited for the needed info I started doing the work on my own test board, since it was only template changes for the most part and I could work them out right away.
Then I never heard from the person again, even after PM'ing him the next day to let him know that I'd done half the work and ready to finish up as soon as he sends the info I need. But he never replied. When I checked his site, all the work had been done, but of course not by me. So I PM'd him to ask what happened. No response.
I know things can happen, minds can change, but wouldn't it be just plain courteous to let a person know? At the very least I think I deserve an explanation. So if anyone reading this post ever asks for help, but for some reason you change your mind, please be nice enough to let the other person know, and the reason why.
I have other projects on the go, and some pending, waiting in line. It would have been good know that I wasn't going to be used after all, and I wouldn't have wasted two days of my time and other people's time who are waiting for me to do their projects.
Thanks for reading.