We are aware of the bugs and will be resuming normal bug fixing status soon now that we are done moving our offices. We are also looking at some more advanced methods to fix some of the more in depth minor bugs that have been around for a bit.
Also just a note for now please avoid this mod if using iis7 as your webserver as we have identified an issue with iis7 that prevents it from operating normally. We will release more information on iis7 when we have it available.
Also I feel we must stress that this mod was designed for dedicated server as we have been seeing a lot of people on shared hosting trying it and complaining about the performance when that was never really the target audience.
We are looking into building a hosted version of the chat to start offering as well but it may be a while before we have that put together as their is quite a bit of work required to restructure the code to function as needed.
Please be patient as we work on everything as the advanced code in this modification makes most the current bugs somewhat in depth to isolate and fix.
Also anybody who is having issues with the script is encouraged to open a support ticket to get the best possible support, as quite a few of the issues being complained about are issues related to other addons/server issues, and its not feasible to try and offer one on one support in a public thread since typically we will need login information to take a look around and isolate the issue.