Originally Posted by kh99
I don't have any specific answers for you, but I have a couple of general comments: If by any chance what you're looking to do is translate the text to a diffeent language, then it can all be done using the phrase manager and you don't need to edit the templates.
In general you can figure out what template things are in by turning on "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" in the General Settings section. Then if you view the HTML source for a page you'll see comments telling you when the output of each template negins and ends. (Sometimes the template name is the one at the very top, if it looks liek it's not inside any other template).
I see, but I've tried that however, they don't specify exactly which template.
e.g.) would be the quick reply box
Source doesn't bring that up, either that its hard to locate it.
And no, I'm not trying to translate to a different language, I'm trying to alter the text.