Hi Micheal,
Thank you a lot for your mod.
I 've a question and two issues and looking forward your help.
1. Question
CMOD 777 the directories:
- microcart -> OK
- microcart/photos -> OK
- microcart/photos/thumbs -> OK
- microcart/photos/tmp -> OK
- microcart/editor/files -> OK
- microcart/editor/flash -> OK
- microcart/editor/media -> OK
- microcart/editor/photos -> OK
- microcart/pdf -> OK
- microcart/fonts -> I Can't find this directory! Where is it? Do you mean microcart/pdf/fonts? OK, You answered HERE
- microcart/images -> OK
2. First issue:
...For security reasons you must create a directory over the public area. Then write the full path in the options. Don't forget the trailing slash at the end.
Example: /home/username/downloads/..."
I get an error message just like Jonm's.
Solved (there was an error in the path name:erm

3. Second issue:
I can't get the pdf (invoice) in Greek. I use UTF-8 character set and vb4.1.10.
Thanks in advance.