Question about exporting the database
Good morning,
Apologies if this has been asked/answered before, I've done a bit of searching and couldn't come up with anything. I'm preparing to move a rather large site to a different server, and get it all set up with a new forum and everything. Now, because the database is more than 3 gigabytes, it's going to take a little while to do.
As such, I was hoping that I could essentially split the database. Export everything now, move it all over, and make sure everything is set up, and then when I'm ready to go live in a week or two, just export whatever is "new" and import that separately, which wouldn't take very long at all.
But it looks like the vBulletin export system just throws it all out together in one file with limited options. Does anyone know of a way that I can do this, or if not then perhaps another solution that may work?