Hi Carnage,
Love your work and want to implement it on my site, especially the Tournaments mod.
What I want to do is run LIVE Lawn Bowls tournament where entrant members enter the draw, entry fee of $30 - I have a sponsor
www.kittychaser.com.au who will send energy your way $-), run over a couple of months where players can choose their own club to play at, or the major sponsor's home/sponsored club.
It has always been hard to fill real bowls tourneys because players have to turn up to a venue, somewhere in metropolitan Melbourne or up the bush, pay their fee and hang around for ages and, because like all sporting fields, only so many can be accommodated.
I believe your mod will revolutionise the way Australian clubs can produce live updates and all the other cool stuff contained in your mod.
Is there a scorecard, or did I miss it?
I would love to talk.