I am in dire need of a hack/add-on to integrate my website user login with the VB login.
I tried this script but did not have any luck. I am new to PHP but am learning fast. Need a little help - Please
SYSTEM=Windows 2000 server IIS 5.0
VB= Version 2.2.1
I modified the script and placed it on the server.
I can call up the authvb.php file as well as the test.php file that requests authvb.php
When the scripts are called up I get a "Authorization required - clear off stupid" message.
I have entered the correct variables for mysql.
Do I have to run this on Apache ?
Do I have to make any changes to mysql ?
any help would be great !
Also if I can not get this to work are there any other scripts that do the same thing ?
Thanks everyone !