Wow, that was quick! Looks cleaner now!
Still looking only at the forumhome, I see two items I'd change (remove):
- AdBright auto-linking of text. If you can live without the income generated by it, I'd suggest to remove it completelly from your site. If you do want to keep it, then at least limit it by a conditional to just postbit. Don't show it on forumhome, etc. Currently, on forumhome, I see it in your "Welcome" block, linking two words (and likely confusing people who want to register), and also I see it in the last forum section of the page, linking two words (one of which is actually the F-word, the word which perhaps you could consider removing at least from your forum home).
- Consider removing the full-screen popup by AdBright which appears when a visitor first enters your site. When I first saw it, it actually made me think I was redirected to a different site and I was going to close the window. It may contribute to you losing some visitors.