Originally Posted by daveaite
Godpoker used to work for Forum-Skins.com, in which he made this for this exact purpose.
I know GP used to work for Forum-Skins, but I am pretty sure these were mainly made for Buypoe.
Originally Posted by daveaite
He was completely aware of this thread, so yes he knew what was going on.
In a way, no he didn't, I went on my skype a second ago to grab the logs, but unfortunately the chat was on Buypoe.
Originally Posted by daveaite
Also notice the "created by godpoker @ buypoe.com", thats one of my other sites.
Yes I know, I'm an active member there with over 300 posts.
I'm not trying to be mean, but it's slightly unfair that you should put these up on vbulletin.org without making sure GP knew, I'm not going to say any more, but at least let him know (he already knows now, but tell him in your own words).