Originally Posted by bada_bing
I have this installed however I may of perceived this as a different mod. What I am trying to do is allow members to start a new thread in a specific forum I have created called product reviews and have this plugin format the new thread so that they can enter the required fields as shown in your screenshots. I cant figure out how to do this? All I see is this mod allows the admin to create a new product ?help please
If you go into the AdminCP and look at the
Product Review Forum Settings, you'll see options to allow users to post products, and where those products go to.
Once you have the settings match what you want the product to do, go to
http://www.yoursite.com/productforums.php and you'll see all of the products, on the right hand side, above the Search button, you'll see "Add New Product". The users will click that to add a product.