Dear Yilmaz,
due to some problems I uninstalled the previous version and installed your latest version.
Now it works again in FireFox and in IE. Like you sais the problems in IE(wrong speed) are fixed.
But now I get a problem wich I cannot seem to fix. The images are set below the strip itself. In your previous version you had a setting where I could change the position of the images due to problems in IE, in your latest version I do no see this setting, but it is needed.
See screenshot:
Can you help me out. I have more users with IE at my board tha users with FF
Second question:
at the demo-site they use this Image:
as a backgrond for the floating thumbs. How do I set this in your mod?
Thanx for helping me out :up:
Overwriting old version with new version does not solve the problem because the setting for IE dissapears.
Overwriting the new version with the old(downgrade) makes the strrip work again and I can set the correct hight, but......leaves me again with different speed between IE and FF
Hope you still understand