I have recently downloaded a mod that allow's the vbulletin gallery feature to be enhanced in terms of uploading photo's to the gallery:
I have already contacted the coder of this mod to find out the answer I'm looking for and he said that it was a part of Vbulletin and it might be best if I ask here, and that question is how do I change the parameters for the jpeg/jpg image size and dimentions? I would like to change the image size to around half a meg(512000 bytes) from it's 29k preset, and the sizing to something like 640x480 as as the preset limit results in odd looking photo's on my forum. If you look in the link above you'll see that I've already posted a question which didn't really get answered and from what I see, noone really know's how to edit such settings. I have up until now been using Photobucket to host all my photo's for posting on the forums, however several members wish to use the gallery feature in Vbulletin to display their work.