+1 the idea for a cache. Perhaps optional?
What about the idea of having a steam icon in the header in a similar way to Facebook Connect as well?
Originally Posted by Disasterpiece
PHP Code:
$stc_user_info = fetch_userinfo($currentuserid);
$additional_fields = array('primaryclanid','lastlogoff');
$steam_info = fetch_steam_info(get_user_steamid($stc_user_info), $vbulletin->options['stc_apikey'], $additional_fields);
$steamavatar = $steam_info['avatarfull']; $steamusername = $steam_info['personaname']; $visibility = $steam_info['communityvisibilitystate']; $clanid = $steam_info['primaryclanid']; $lastlogoff = $steam_info['lastlogoff'];
Almost correct, you need to put quotes around strings in php 
Afraid that doesn't work for me all the default information is retrieved and the profile is set to public but I can't get any information from additional fields.