So I did some more tests. First, I went through and disabled every Mod I had manually, and then enabled just Everywhere sidebar and I still had the issue of the Text editor graying out leaving me unable to type a post or or do anything with the text editor. So that eliminated a conflict with a Mod for me...
Next I went and enabled Everywhere sidebar with all of my Mod enabled and check it on a forum default template and there was no gray or whatever color your CKeditor skin is, blocking me from typing.
My templates are customized by me but they're not really too intensive. I've mainly done color changes, used a lot of transparency/alpha css and gradient css to replace those images, that's pretty much all and most of that is done in Additional.css
I didnt change anything template wise prior to updating 4.1.10 except some reverts... any idea what css templates would effect this mod?