If those above instructions don't work, which they didn't for me.
Then restore the code as it originally was and use this instead.
if ($selected_tab == 'myawards')
$template_hook['profile_tabs_last'] .= '<dd class="userprof_module"><a id="myawards-tab" href="'.$vbulletin->input->fetch_relpath().'#myawards" onclick="return tabViewPicker(this);">Awards</a></dd>';
$template_hook['profile_tabs_last'] .= '<dd class="userprof_moduleinactive"><a id="
myawards-tab" href="'.$vbulletin->input->fetch_relpath().'#myawards" onclick="return tabViewPicker(this);">Awards</a></dd>';
Go to the Admin Control Panel >> Languages & Phrases >> Search In Phrases
Type in: My Awards
In the Search For Text box and press enter or click the button Find.
Then click the button that says Edit
Now to MY question, about how to get the award automation to work, seems like no one is able to answer. Makes me want to rate this a terrible mod.