Thanks for sharing this mod.
I found a little bug though.
The average number of posts that is showed in the welcome panel is rounded off (no decimals). I took the liberty to dig a bit in the code and found the cause.
In the script hooks/forumhome_complete.php there is a small error.
On line 132 there is this code:
$postsperday = ($jointime <= 1 ? $vbulletin->userinfo['posts'] : vb_number_format($vbulletin->userinfo['posts'] / $jointime, 2));
however, on line 362 there is this code:
$templater->register('postsperday', vb_number_format(round($postsperday, 2)));
That's a second formating of this number and a round, that strips the decimals.
I changed it to this and now this number is shown with two decimals.
$templater->register('postsperday', $postsperday);
Maybe you could change this in your next update?