Originally Posted by AlbertAtTheory
Got this up and running rather easily on my site. I did need to make sure to have rewrites enabled so that both Wordpress and vBulletin defaulted with a www. in front of the domain otherwise I ran into issues with the cookies being recognized across both platforms.
I turned on e-mail logging and am getting a bunch of errors regarding "localEmailLogger" Most of the errors are saying "Communication: Unable to accept response:" Everything seems to be working fine though, so should I just ignore this error?
Also, any ETA on a Drupal version? Would love to see this happen very soon!
We don't recommend to ignore these errors if they are thrown during platform connection phase. Also the debug information found there could point you to the source of the error.
Regarding the ETA, we just have been contributing to vBSSO depending on the team availability time. therefore we cannot guarantee the certain ETA date. We cay say that we have Drupal in our priority tasks list to get it connected.