Hi Ted,
1. A feature I also really want to have would be a the option, to create a new user class, which can also posts reviews - but this reviews should be displayed first (at the top).
2. For these special members "reviewers" it should be possible to rate in percent. 1-5 stars are not enough. 1-10 would be great or in percent displayed with a great picture would be awesome
3. The textfield for reviews should really be larger
4. Users shouldnt be able to post reviews with less than 100 words for example.
5. you tried that? Its really important for me, because i need the addon now
1. I enabled the option to create a new thread for each review. Why does this addon post the Reviews in the forum for products and not the forum for reviews (id?s are correct, my review forum is under my product-forum).
Originally Posted by Ted S
If you want to add your own forced resize open up the review template and add a width="X" height="Y" into the <img> tag where you define either a max width or height... However that will not actually resize the image, it just forces it to look smaller while still downloading the entire file and potentially altering the aspect ratio or distorting the page.
The height should be right, so i just want to define the width of 500px for example. <img max-width="500px" /> right?