Originally Posted by Raeven
For clearing what the Mod dose:
- It added the javascript to black out your site (in the yesterdays strike), for everyone, who doesn't know how to add it them self (and wanted to take part) --> More information here: http://sopastrike.com/
@ simonhind: It has an Plugin, no own edits needed, but I simply guess your Pro SOPA  . (also it's under Mini Mods, since it doesn't do much, yet again, it still is a Plugin, that adds / added the ability to take part in the Strike easy (without own Template edits).
no what i also meant is what is this mod/plugin
what is a SOPA you have no description to why we should have it and who it benefits i am a UK resident what good it it to me ?
a strike about what exactly a full description of this plugin would be appreciated
then at least when the next strike of what ever its about comes about you can post it otherwise this edit means nothing