Originally Posted by Mukashi
Tried it on our 4.1.10 test forum. After enabling it on forumhome, the forum home simply didn't load, and would stall at loading forever. Turning it off brings things back to normal. Will keep an eye on this, but for some reason it's just not co-operating with our setup right now.
Have you tried re-uploading the files and/or reimporting the product? I've seen this happen once or twice during testing and development, but could never figure out why. It was always fixed by re-uploading the files and reimporting the product.
It shouldn't causing that extreme of issues, but do you have any other jQuery mods installed? In the cases that I have seen with conflicts with other jQuery mods, the slider will still load, but nothing will show up.
If you can narrow it down in anyway, I will work to try to figure out the issue.