Hello heartsglad,
first of all, if you currently doesnt use this addon, i would advise you to wait for our next version, assuming that you will updat yout forum to vB 4.1.10, since we requested a hook, which is implemented in vB 4.1.10 and gives us the possibility to automatically change the template without any manual changes or TMS needed.
If you dont want to wait and dont want to use the TMS, you need to make all the template changes that are listet in the "TEMPLATE_CHANGES" file in the "do_not_upload" folder. There are no changes for 0.7.2 since this version doenst introduces new changes but fixed some bugs.
So since you need to revert every of this changes for using the next version with its automatically changes, i advise you to wait until than. we are currently testing it in our live forum (see my last post), but we need to wait until vbulletin-germany.com releases vB 4.1.10 to make the last tests and upload it here.
Best regards