Originally Posted by Midohash
Thanks Simon :up:, regarding your other mod is it possible to be modified in the future to block users from anonymous proxy?  ... That will be a great add on  ... However I note a significant drop in the number of my site visitors after installing the mod, is that attributed to blocking bad bots only or could be also some normal visitors are not able now to access my forum? ... Also is the drop in the visitor numbers would affect my over all alexa rank? ... Regards,
It could be modified to ban those without IP and this one could be modified to ban those without user agent but would need a lot of testing!
Yes, your visitor drop is due tothe banning, you'll find (especially if you installed the spiders on forumhome mod) that most of the visitors were bots in the list like Baiduspider, they're insatiable. Bots don't make up part of your alexa ranking, believe it or not Alexa makes it's assumptions from the amount of visitors to your site that have the Alexa toolbar installed
Originally Posted by pitzerwm
I installed this and with Ban IPs apparently have removed a large percentage of my issues.
I was wondering if I get this as the "guest" dhcp-0-24-b2-58-41-4a.cpe.eaglecable.net
Can I put this total "agent" in, and it will ban this person?
Yes of course, the exact agent string will help zero in on that person/bot...etc, i added partial matching because of bots changing their UAs..etc but this mod was always built on using the entire string
Originally Posted by photonetau
I installed this about 9 hours ago and baidu is still hitting at the rate of 200 hits an hour is that usual , how long before they give up?
BTW they are redirected to the default site.
I guess you are still seeing Baidu because you are using Paul M's who visited mod, both his mod and mine are doing their job, his picks them up because they make a direct call to a thread or post...etc and get logged but as soon as they attempt to access the thread or post they are redirected to whichever way you choose with a 301 redirect header
If you are seeing Baiduspider and not using Paul's mod then pm me your site url and access details and we'll get you sorted!