Originally Posted by Killhunter
1. I enabled the option to create a new thread for each review. Why does this addon post the Reviews in the forum for products and not the forum for reviews (id?s are correct, my review forum is under my product-forum).
The code tells it to post to the reviews forum. I'll take another look but it seems to be working on my test site.
$foruminfo = $vbulletin->forumcache[$vbulletin->options['prodforums_reviewforum']];
Originally Posted by Killhunter
2. Can you PLEASE make a little revision: I really need the feature to auto-size pictures to a special width.
There's nothing little about adding an entire file management, uploading and image resizing routine. The easiest way to resize images is with the bulk function in a tool like Photoshop where you can process hundreds of images in 4 or 5 clicks.
An uploader has been requested several times and is on the future update list but and will be a part of the next
major update.