Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
For IP's you should use my other mod https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=268146 as this mod processes the useragent string and not the IP address, if you deny in cpanel or .htaccess then the user of that IP will never get to see your site or files, my mod redirects them before your site loads properly. Also with cpanel and .htaccess you have to of course log in and edit them each time you want to ban or remove a ban, mines a little more user friendly 
Thanks Simon :up:, regarding your other mod is it possible to be modified in the future to block users from anonymous proxy?

... That will be a great add on

... However I note a significant drop in the number of my site visitors after installing the mod, is that attributed to blocking bad bots only or could be also some normal visitors are not able now to access my forum? ... Also is the drop in the visitor numbers would affect my over all alexa rank? ... Regards,