Originally Posted by gamersplatoon
Why would you need donation in the point market?
The donate in the point market bank is to add custom points to users in their bank account
it doesnt need gold version
but i usually add custom points through Experience plugin.
and for the lottery you can enable it in the Global Settings in the Point Market
im not sure if it requires gold version or not cause i already have the gold version
i just liked to share my knowledge.
Yes, that is something I could add.
Originally Posted by Jakub03
Is there a way when the items are purchased for the msg to be sent to a user called "shop"
Also is it possible to entirely delete the forum items? I disabled them but in the shop it still show the top 3 forum items? How can i get rid of this?
Hmm, if you disable an item it shouldn't show it as a statistic I guess. I am going to mark this as a bug for future fixes.
Originally Posted by Deathjam
under maintenance it show"
"Point Field: market_xperience The point field has been entered but no data exists in this field name."
anyone know how to fix this?
Do you have vBExperience installed? If so, what version? Secondly if you do and it is up to date then does your user have any points at all when they are viewing the market? A user must have a numerical number other than 0 in there field in order to view the market.
Originally Posted by Jakub03
How do i make the Lottery work?
Create a lottery, it should work otherwise I'll mark it as a bug.
Originally Posted by nathl123
i have got a problem everytime i go to admincp/pointmarket it keeps on saying
404 (Page Not Found) Error If you're the site owner, one of two things happened:
1) You entered an incorrect URL into your browser's address bar, or
2) You haven't uploaded content.
If you're a visitor and not sure what happened:
1) You entered or copied the URL incorrectly or
2) The link you used to get here is faulty.
(It's an excellent idea to let the link owner know.)
can anyone help me with this
That means that you have not uploaded one of the XML files OR have not uploaded one of the ACP files. Reupload all XML files and ACP/MCP files, clear your browser cache and retry.
I need to get a new version out for this. vB keeps changing stuff too much it is irritating me.