Originally Posted by captainron19
A few members of my forum have expressed an interest in having the forum (I am using 3.8.4) be more mobile phone friendly especially with posting photos.
What are the best alternatives for this? I saw the app tapatalk that involves a slight mod install but users would have to pay for the app.
Any free routes out there or is tapatalk my best route?
I've wrestled with this for quite awhile, tried all of the "mobile skins" that were free, have tapatalk no one uses. From feedback, I figured out smart phone users want all the vBulletin features, so a regular skin that is minimalist as far as pageload kilobytes go, works well for us.
I found one that is pleasant, but loads only 174kb per pageload.
I use this to detect and assign the chosen style to the mobile browsers:
Here's some of the free mobile styles. None of which were acceptable to smart phone users:
I suggest looking around and finding a full featured but minimalist style to assign to your smart phone users. Works for us. Everybody happy.