Originally Posted by Front Range 4x4
Installed, thank you! My users are liking this version much more than the floating javascript version.
Search in Postbit for this:
<vb:if condition="$show['multiquote_post']">
<a class='multiquote' href="{vb:raw post.replylink}" rel="nofollow" onclick="return false;" id="mq_{vb:raw post.postid}">
<img id="mq_image_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase multi_quote_this_message}" />
and add this after it:
<vb:if condition="$show['panicbutton']">
<a href="{vb:raw show.panic_button_url}"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/report.gif" border="0" alt="{vb:rawphrase ms_bosskey}" /> {vb:rawphrase ms_panic}
</a><span class="seperator"> </span>
This doesnt' work as it gives a broken Icon on the Panic button.