Originally Posted by Paul M
Your poll doesnt include all options.
For instance this site is not on vb4, but not for any of the reasons listed.
For sure there are many more options, I wrote what came first to my mind. Actually every single webmaster can has its own reason. At least I had to add an "Other" option.
Originally Posted by Paul M
Your screenshot is somewhat meaningless, one random screenshot proves nothing really, but if you really want to examine it, more people are in the vb4 programming discussions and the vb4 design discussions than their vb3 counterparts.
Even if its some weeks now that I'm visiting the Forums section (usally I'm goind directly to Mods), and I noticed this traffic difference, I tool the screenshot just before my post.
Originally Posted by Paul M
Heres another one for you 
My vb4 install count has now overtaken any of my vb3 versions. It continues to rise at a steady rate. So vb4 must be more popular than vb3 now .. right ?
Well.. and here my question for you

. Why you've your own forum running vB3?