Not sure if that is related to the latest VB version or not ( as it worked in an older version )
but i have an issue now with my custom sidebar!
Usually it works like this:
i have the sidbar in the forum enabled and when i go to my custom
page where the sidebar is displayed too it usually has the same behavior like the forum
sidebar. It hides when i want to hide it when i change the page ( forum -> custom page )
it still is hidden depending on the forum setting.
But now this is not the case anymore ( in vb 4.1.10 )
when i close the sidebar on the forum it still is there
at my custom page
when i close the sidebar on the custom page it is still there on the
Is this a session/cookie issue or can anyone enlighten me here
No i will not give out my dev sites url ( to the public... )
If you are clever and know what you are doing i may ( adult content too)
best regards
P.S. does this make any sense ?