Originally Posted by Alan_SP
I just updated to new version. I read about numbering, that it must be in 1,2,3...
But, this is a bit hard to enter some question between already existing ones. What would happen if there are two questions with number 2? Is it possible that you somehow program it that we could use 10, 20 etc?
Just to know what I can expect.
You really do great job with this mod. :up: Hope you'll win MOTM.
If you have two questions numbered with 2, the system will change one of them to 3 and renumber all questions so they stay 1,2,3,4 etc.. So if you add a question and it's in say position 18. You change that question to 2 and update positions. That question should become 2 and the old 2 becomes 3 and so on.