If you just want the widget to have no content (or maybe a different message for other usergroups), you could make it a php widget and for the code do something like:
if (is_member_of(vB::$vbulletin->userinfo, X)
$output = 'only seen by group X';
$output = 'only seen by other groups';
If you want the widget to completely disappear, you could copy the vbcms_widget_execphp_page template code to a new template, add:
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, X)">
//code from vbcms_widget_execphp_page
Then configure your PHP widget and add your new template in the Template Name field, and make the code
$output = 'html for my widget';
In either case you need to set the Cache Refresh Time for the widget to 0.