Originally posted by danielhollands
OK, now at this point I must admit that I've been a very bad boy, as i'm sure you have seen for yourself, i've been so busy with everything that is going on at the moment, including looking for a job, that this is not hight on my list of things to do, I'm REALLY SORRY!!!
At this point, can I suggest that everyone that has entered the competition please post your results to this thread please? the info that I would be looking for is as follows:
1, Number of posts (including the first one).
2, Number of users.
3, Number of pages.
Now this was just for fun at the end of the day, so I hope that no one is too upset by my not being able to do what I said I would do, but if anything this little competition should have helped all your boards get that little bit more populated
1: 26694
2: 28,277, but I don't feel this should apply to anything. For our own purposes, we require guests to register in order to visit our forums. The ratio of active to lurking is low.
3: 668 pages, although again, the number of posts per page differs from forum to forum.