Different Style for certain resolutions
I have a style that doesn't work too well on an iPad or other smaller screen device so I would like to have an adjusted style with some elements removed for screens equal to or under 1024x768.
I have a cookie created that lasts an hour using Javascript in my headers so the forum can get access to the resolution (I would have done it via a plugin but I don't believe you can run Javascript in a plugin) and I currently have the sidebar disabled on smaller screen devices via a plugin using this information.
I have tried using this information to set a different style on a temporary basis but nothing I tried seems to work. Tried various pieces of code using a combination of snippets I have found on the net and also having looked through some of the core files to get ideas but nothing works.
I could perhaps just do a template replacement for specific parts but I have searched the forums here trying to find threads on doing this but I haven't been able to find one that deals with the subjects comprehensivly.
So does anyone here have any pointers or tips to help me on implementing this or suggestions on what the best way to implement it will be. Any help or advice is appreciated