lol @ editing the knee-jerk reaction post:
"I will be blunt here. I do not know how your eyesight is pal, but before you download and use a mod, read the description first before throwing tantrums like a drama queen. It says right there with bolded and capital text as well: *Then after you are done, DISABLE it. *
You might want to clarify your instructions and explain to people why they should disable it. Like Videx said I am not the only one and there are plenty of other people who have complained in the thread.
I'm personally throwing a tantrum because your horrible modification left my board sucking resources for quite some time before I narrowed it down to you. You should go as far as to putting a warning into the header, visible to admins, that the mod needs to be disabled, and a link to easily do that. I stand by my position that this modification should be pulled from until you patch it.
You also wrote:
"I do not know how your eyesight is pal, but before you download and use a mod, read the description first. It says right there with bolded and capital text as well:
Then after you are done restoring the deleted user/s, DISABLE it.
It can''t be clearer than that."
Of course it can be made clearer. Stop clowning around.