HMBeaty: Let me know how that works out!
ChristTeris: 20 cents per post? Ugh! So annoying! I have been using vB for a very long time (many many years) and I used to be really good at preventing spam, but it just seems like they get smarter and smarter.
Those sound like very good tricks. I am able to make all of those edits you mentioned and will try it out. It sounds annoying to have to go through all that, but I guess we have to do what we have to do to stop them. Grrrrr!
Thanks so much for the info! I'm sure it will help me out a lot!!
--------------- Added [DATE]1325958120[/DATE] at [TIME]1325958120[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by HMBeaty
I've started to get this as well. I'm going to see if I can alter this modification to work in blogs as well.
I just reviewed the mod you linked to. I actually already achieve the same thing by using user promotions. I have my new users set up so they are not allowed to post any links of any kind. They must go through multiple promotions by posting approved content before they are allowed to post links. However, these "lovely" people and bots still post garbage anyway and it gets sent to moderation. Then I find myself with this massive list of threads and posts that need to be moderated. Little of it gets seen by the public. It just ends up a mess for me to sort through. It is quite irritating.