ChrisTERiS: Food for thought... without questions then nothing here would exist. Questions ultimately fuel and build software communities.
Questions show us that our documentation sucks.
Questions catch bugs.
Questions suggest new functionality.
Questions tell us what to build or do next.
Sure, you need people answering them as well, but don't attack people for being users rather than developers. For what it's worth, I've been here almost 8 years, and probably answer questions or help people in 90% of my posts.
Regardless, given that it is a community, we should be helping each other. Without bug reports, questions that drive our documentation, and all the users here, the site wouldn't exist.
Back to the OP, I think a fundamental problem is that all these plugins used to require file edits, template edits, and a lot of tinkering. Very few people here are professional software developers that understand software release process. It's people hacking their own site and sharing it with the rest of us for free. There are also very few tools connected to the site that allow us to do it effectively.
A lot of the long time coders here used to tinker on vb2 or vb3.0 before the plugin system was so flexible. What we really need is a proper modification site or store where they are treated as releases with the quality really pushed. I'd be confident to say that the vast majority of the things here are abandoned or aren't actively maintained by the original people. It's an old community.