Yes. And my server can take 20MB files but I can't get uploads to work with anything but small jpgs
Well this is very frustrating. Another 3D Modeling site has this set up and are able to upload very large files. No matter what I try I can't make it work. I really would like to have this work for my site but guess I'll just have to uninstall and find another solution. I guess I just don't understand enough about any of this to make this function.
I've done everything above, set .skp as an acceptable extension, made the file size basically unlimited, checked on my server and I can accept 20M uploads but all I ever get when I try is "Connection Reset" error messages.
I'd like to try this but don't understand this suggestion:
Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
That's because of the default upload limit of PHP.
You need to create a file named .htaccess (note the period in front of the name). Put the following two lines into the file:
php_value upload_max_filesize 30M
php_value post_max_size 30M
Upload the file into your forum directory (the same location where downloads.php is located.)
This will increase the size of the file you can upload to 30MB.
Does anyone really understand this well that could elaborate? What kind of file extension is this .htaccess file supposed to be? .php? or something else?..I'm so confused...