Version History
- 1.0
- First release on as Template modification
- 2.0
- First release as Add-on
- "SCANU - Forum description on title mouseover [as Xenforo]" to "SCANU's Elegant Forum description on mouseover [as Xenforo]"
- Added the arrow <
- Added styling options
- Better positioned respect the forum title
- 2.1
- Adapted to long description
- The arrow < is not an image but a css code
- The background color option change the pointer color too
- Fixed opacity options
- Corrected errors in the phrases and fixed some bugs
- 2.2
- Added lesscode option in the admin control panel
- Added the indent to the CSS code
- 2.3.6
- Fixed various bugs
- 2.4
- Re-written the php code
- More compatibility
- Removed Lesscode (now is automatic)
- Reduced page loading
- Reduced code length
- 2.5
- Re-written the php code
- Now using my new lib for template edits
- No more chaotic code
- Added Category Description support
- Added forumdisplay.php support
*still working on the forumhome subforum's descriptions support*