Thank you very much for very nice preview, useful and required suggestion.
I will try to do the correction soon.
Thanx again.
More review please.
Thanx in advance
Edit: Many changes made as per your suggestion, couple of has to do which I am not able to do it (coding part) of Postbit
Kindly if possible visit again and give your comments for it.
Originally Posted by mmfgamer5
I like the general look of it, however, I think there could be several improvements: - Some forum categories could be put together in one (such as the Facebook and Twitter categories: could be put into a Social Network category)
- Various text corrections could be made:
- Forum title: "The OffWaLK Caffe" = "The Offwalk Caf?"
- General: "Caffe`" = "Caf?"
- Forum poll: "thne" = "than"
- Forum poll: "then" = "than"
- Logo: "Off" = "off"
- More constancy in forum descriptions (ie: grammar, capital letters mid-sentence etc)
- Less sub-forums could make the forum look neater
- The various VIP/Gold/Platinum member only forum categories could be hidden to those who can't view them
- The logo feels like it could be remade so that it stands out more
- The top links "Register" and "Help" text colour could be made to be lighter
- The postbit could be cleaned up a little - some of the text falls on two lines, which can make it look untidy
I know it looks like a lot, but the little tweaks can make all the difference. I'm not trying to put you or your forum down by the amount of suggestions, by the way, either; people obviously like the forum 