The vbulletin pages load the yahoo-dom-event and connection libraries.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
I want to use those libraries to make ajax requests. I don't want to pack jquery on top of all the libraries that are already loaded.
So how would I make such a request?
Firstly, the documention for the yahoo connection manager states that "yahoo-min" is a prerequisite:
I tried to do an ajax request like this, but nothing happens:
var postData = "postid=12345&userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]&hash="+the_hash;
var callback = {
failure: handleFailure,
argument: ['foo','bar']
var handleSuccess = function(o){
if(o.responseText !== undefined){
div.innerHTML = "Transaction id: " + o.tId;
div.innerHTML += "HTTP status: " + o.status;
div.innerHTML += "Status code message: " + o.statusText;
div.innerHTML += "<li>HTTP headers: <ul>" + o.getAllResponseHeaders + "</ul></li>";
div.innerHTML += "PHP response: " + o.responseText;
div.innerHTML += "Argument object: " + o.argument;
var handleFailure= function(o){
var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', '', callback, postData);
So how is the connection even working in vbulletin? Why is the connection manager loaded when it depends on the yahoo library?