Sorry guy but your instructions are not setup for someone installing this mod for the first time. Starting with the #2. instructions I think you are saying to add all the text I have in the quote in the Description Area? All of it? Also whats up with using the Japan and Newyork, are just a reference?
Please choose your License Plate from the drop down list above. If you do not see yours listed please request them <a href="">here.</a>
<img src="path-to/license_plates/Japan.png" alt="Japan" />
<img src="path-to/license_plates/New_York.png" alt="NY" />
Options: Now this is case sensitive and each option must be named exactly like the corresponding image so for me its:
Then from the same text you have whats in this quote added-
<a href="">here.</a>
Since there is nothing mentioned in you instructions I'm to think that above quoted text about is part of the directions for members with what they need to? Otherwise if it is meant for the person installing the mod, you do not have it listed in the instructions.
Next in #3. you have-
{insert bottom code here}
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
What code are talking about. Nowhere anywhere have you mentioned about code or the code that needs to be included in this part of the instructions.
And lastly you have-
<div class="jdm_plate" style="background-image:url(http://path-to/license_plates/{vb:raw post.fieldxx}.png);">
<p><b>{vb:raw post.fieldyy}</b></p>
What in the world is 'path-to'? Is this suppose to be a directory we were to have uploaded somewhere on our own websites, or?
The better it is explained how to do a mod, the less people like myself are going to be asking questions that are not necessary. This is another reason why most people will skip over from getting involved in adding a mod. Or giving the developer a donation. I say that because I have given several developers donations as my way of saying I appreciate the efforts put into a well put together mod.