Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
vB Settings -> BBCode Settings -> Allow [IMG] Code in Non Forum Specific Areas -> Yes
([IMG] currently also controls [VIDEO], they will be separated in vB 4.1.10)
Hey, thanks for the support Jelle. (Do you take donations?)
The setting was off, but after turning it on, I do get the video button now in the editor, however the video bbCode is still not embedding the video (not being parsed). All I'm getting are links. Any other tips before I start digging into the code?
Also, just some suggestions to this very fine add-on, which I'll have to be adding myself for my customer.
1. Add a versioning system in order to easily make updates and post them. Also show the older out-dated versions for possible download/ reference.
2. Add subsciptions to the categories, so users are automatically notified of new downloads in the categories they are interested in.
3. Add subscriptions to the downloads, (if versioning is added) so users are made aware of new versions of those downloads.
4. Add SEO friendlier URLs. Like adding the name of the download in the URL too.
And something of my own, which I'm not going to add, but would be nice.
5. Comments added via AJAX.

6. Make the comments look like the comments everywhere else in vB. Like in the CMS and Blog.
Great work though. Amazing it is free and you also are supporting it. That is very generous.